The I4C MENA / GCHR grant was awarded to the SAMA Organization for Psychological and Social Support (SAMA), a local Iraqi organization established through a network of human rights defenders. SAMA focuses on supporting and advocating for the rights of human rights defenders in Iraq. The goal of this advocacy campaign is to increase public awareness of serious human rights violations stipulated in Iraq’s Draft Law of Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly. The campaign aimed to mobilize and engage policymakers, civil society organizations, and human rights defenders in efforts to amend the aforementioned articles by introducing changes that ensure the foundational rights of Freedom of Speech and Peaceful Assembly remain fully safeguarded within Iraq’s legal framework. This campaign will specifically focus on articles 1, 3, 5, 7, and 13 of the Draft Law, which include provisions that restrict the fundamental rights of Iraqi citizens, compromising their ability to freely express themselves and participate in demonstrations.